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We Need Mew!

Updated: Jun 15, 2019

Help build giant cats this weekend!

Or if you're available during the week, that'd be cool too!

Work Parties

Saturday, June 15th and

Sunday, June 16th

12pm - 6pm (note time change)

We can work later if the mood strikes.

Show up anytime**, leave whenever you need to.

If you're available during week days, we could use you then too.

**Please let me know when you're coming,

include your phone number, by sending me an email:

purrpods (at) gmail (dot) com.


Terra Incognita, 420 Ohio Avenue, Richmond CA, 94804

We're in the front shop - just holler through the screen door!


Be prepared to get dirty and's fun!

Wear cotton clothing…we are grinding metal and throwing sparks.

Bring work gloves and a water bottle.

We'll have drinks and snacks.

I'm still looking to build a solid team to come to my Richmond, CA shop a few hours a week.

Yes, there's a lot of busy work, but that is so important!

And no matter the task, each volunteer is helping to build giant cat sculptures as a team member (my Zoomies!).

Upcoming Tasks:

* Wash metal rings (welded together to construct sculpture)

* Grind welds (we'll teach you!)

* Remove glue and drywall from interior of Cat #1

* Help remove cat sculptures from form

* Help put sculptures back together!

* Build second rolling platform

* Assemble revised cat butt for Cat #2

* Assemble Cat Form #2 for Cat #3

* Clear side yard

* Build rain/sun shelter in side yard

* Roll cats into side yard

* Paint sculptures with Rust-Oleum or a rusting agent

* Install lighting, sound, effects, etc.

Special Help - Folks with this knowledge and these skill sets - I need mew!!

I have ideas of what I want to do but need folks with some experience to help me get there.

* Welding - experienced, please.

* Structural Engineering - safety!

* Materials Selection - something better out there?

* Lighting - LED/Interactive/Sound Reactive

* Electronics - Capacitive Touch/Motion Sensing/Power

* Sound - Vibration/Sensory/Audio/Speakers

* Fabricators

If you'd like to help or know someone in the Bay Area who would be interested, sign up HERE for future work parties. You will receive a MailChimp email announcement.

Thank you!


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